Agility Scrum

Simon Kneafsey’s Scrum 1-Pager

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Simon Kneafsey of recently introduced a marvelous “Simple Guide To Scrum – 1 Pager” on

This is something that you could put in a breakroom, and most anyone in your business would be enlightened after merely one cup of coffee. Great things come in small packages, indeed. It’s so succinct that it made a pet peeve of mine more obvious: the use of the term “Developer.” When I teach Scrum to cross-functional teams of businesspeople, I substitute “Implementors” for “Developers.” It’s simply more relatable, in my experience.

Lucky for me, Simon licensed his work in a way that allows derivative work. I made a non-software version of the 1-pager for you to download and enjoy.

If your Scrum practice is software-focused, Simon’s original is still perfect!

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